Hiring in a Skills Shortage; Help for Struggling SMEs
You may have heard; unemployment is at record lows of 4%. You probably didn’t need that official statistic to know how hard it is to find and recruit people for your business right now.
You may have heard; unemployment is at record lows of 4%. You probably didn’t need that official statistic to know how hard it is to find and recruit people for your business right now.
This is an article found on LinkedIn written by Samantha McLaren. It is along the same lines as previous articles written by Tania Howard on job adverts and well recommended.
In 2017 I saw a number of established small and medium enterprises (SMEs) affected by a crisis challenging their very existence. The ability to hire the right staff. The ability to find and keep good staff has always been a challenge but the skills shortage, now worse than ever, is threatening their survival.
If I see the words ‘We’re hiring!’ in an ad one more time I’ll scream. One of my pet peeves is most recruiter’s inability to write a half decent recruitment advertisement. What chance does a business have of attracting people when they copy this well-worn (out) format? In this article I’ll rebuff the ads most recruiters, and unfortunately, companies still write, explain why most ads need to change and clarify the elements of a good ad.